Turkey Trot Landfill
Turkey Trot Landfill, a joint venture between Tensaw, the Washington County Commission, and Advanced
Disposal Services, Inc. (“ADS”) began operations May 5, 2011. This landfill provides much needed disposal
space for both Mobile and Washington County residents and businesses.
Please contact Gerald Allen of Advanced Disposal Services Alabama, L.L.C. at 904/737-7900 or
gallen@advanceddisposal.com for additional information.
Turkey Trot Landfill
Turkey Trot Landfill, a joint venture between
Tensaw, the Washington County Commission, and
Advanced Disposal Services, Inc. (“ADS”) began
operations May 5, 2011. This landfill provides much
needed disposal space for both Mobile and
Washington County residents and businesses.
Please contact Gerald Allen of Advanced Disposal
Services Alabama, L.L.C. at 904/737-7900 or
gallen@advanceddisposal.com for additional